

英文名想過意譯為Dust of Time,即安哲羅普洛斯的希臘三部曲之二(譯作:時光微塵),但好像有點哀傷。後來朋友建議叫做Final Fragments,指找到了最後一塊碎片,感覺完美,所以就決定用這個英文名。


Where does the name " 吉光片羽 " come from?

Lots of people think this is a Japanese word, but in fact it's a Chinese idiom. "吉光" is a mysterious animal appears in Chinese mythology, and "片羽" is a piece of feather. People usually use this idiom to describe some very precious art pieces. We choose this as the name of the shop because we only carry small amount of each product we sell. And, we love the symmetric beauty of these four Chinese characters.

We thought about using the name "Dust of Time" which came from Theodoros Angelopoulos's second movie of his trilogy, however we didn't use it at the end because of the grief implied in the title. A friend suggested us to use "Final Fragments" which then became the name of our shop. The name has a feeling of finding the last missing piece, which implies a beautiful movement from imperfection to perfection.





What do you sell?

We sell clothes, handcrafted bags, and many things (zakka). We like stuff made of cotton, linen, wood, rattan, or iron. Speaking of how we pick the products, we prefer something natural instead trendy. Natural means you wear something fits the season, linen made clothes is ideal for summer while cotton made clothes is good for winter.

Also, plain design with simple cutting is always our choice; hence you don't need to worry if it would become out-dated in next season. Same to other stuff like rattan made basket, linen bag, wooden cabinet etc, you should find the same simplicity in our products.

Some people may think that most our clothes are kind of loose. That's exactly what we want. Clothes should be feeling loose and comfortable.




What brings together clothes and zakka?

We love simple, natural stuff. Anything falls under this concept could be sold in our store. We never limit our products to clothes and zakka only. We actually even considered bikes and cameras before. But if you ask what do i like more, I would pick zakka.

Writer Haruki Murakami (村上春樹) once created a term called "a little happiness in hand" (小確幸). One day he saw a record that he really loved, but turned out he didn't buy it because it's too expensive. Few years later, he found the same record in another place and it's cheaper, of course then he bought it right away. This is what he called "a little happiness in hand". We wish people who come to our store could find the same happiness.